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My Randomness

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Sharing some work...



Almost a year ago, I found someone on Craiglist that wanted some design work.  I reached out to them to see what they were looking for.  They simply wanted a logo / silhouette of themselves for a shirt or something along those lines.  They sent me the picture and this is what I was able to create for them.

Just thought I would share with you all.... let me know what you think?  I never claimed to be a professional.  Simply self taught, amateur work.

LORRA-K_full.thumb.jpg.c04e5f10fd738cf3322dcf5e4ed0c1c4.jpg    LORRA-K_silhouette.thumb.jpg.42e39a9917361ec973858aca84ea5303.jpg    LORRA-K_crop.jpg.5a4387c75f5093cd5b8cf7b927ee2e37.jpg

It's a shame I never got to actually meet her though.



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Nice work. Would you mind or like a little direction from a someone who is a pro and a designer? Just a couple things to make an already great work into an amazing works.

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On ‎10‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 4:40 AM, Jaz said:

Nice work. Would you mind or like a little direction from a someone who is a pro and a designer? Just a couple things to make an already great work into an amazing works.

would love to get any tips and advise.

Thanks in advance.

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