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Bottom Pride

Reyna Roland


I really have come to embrace and pride myself on my role behind closed doors.

I am 47 years old and I really love the shape of my butt, but truth be told, I always have since I was young, as a very young boy I was told often I had a girlie body, those comments really made me wonder why, until I became sexually informed and saw a woman’s body for the first time in an adult magazine, I did realize the comparison! I’m not sure if it’s because of my inclination but what ever the reason, I always liked to show it off, I liked having it touched, caressed, kissed, all of it.

Being with a Top partner and allowing them to do as they wish, to fully give it to them, to show them I’m grateful for every inch of pleasure. The exchange of energy, I take so much joy in my part in that. I always want to be great at it too because it’s total heaven on earth. I’m insatiable and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

So any one feeling ashamed they feel how I do, as I often did throughout my life, be pride full of who we are and what we like, you’re not alone at all.

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